Last October, one year ago, we were blessed to have a little girl adopt us.
I had not long lost my little sweetheart Sheba, and I was grieving terribly. My husband decided it was time to bring another canine into the family.

I was reluctant at first as I am disabled, and spend a lot of time in a wheelchair, but hubby insisted that we go and look for a new baby at AWLQ, and told me we will only look; Famous last words!
With the help of our lovely guide (Animal Attendant Hannah), we manoeuvred our way through the small dog cages with the wheelchair, and in each cage the little ones were all up front barking and jumping.  I wanted to take them all.
We got to the end cage, and two little ones were up front. I looked at the back and there she was, this little darling, looking so sad. She had just had a litter of puppies and still had her de-sexing stitches in.
I asked Hannah if I could hold her, and she picked her up and placed her in my lap. The first thing I got was a huge lick, and tears came to my eyes. I looked up to my husband for approval, and he had tears streaming down his face too.

I knew then we had found our new baby.

We couldn’t have been more blessed. She sat on my lap on the wheelchair, and never moved, never tried to get off once.

We named her Reika which is Japanese for ‘beautiful flower’.

She was so good with the wheelchair and is now my fully qualified Service Dog. She sits on my lap when we are out and about and walks on a lead beside me and hubby perfectly.

Reika is an integral part of our lives now, not only did she give me solace, but gives me the unconditional love that I so missed. Thank you AWLQ for my beautiful daughter.
