AWLQ is one of three charities that have been chosen as finalists in the Telstra Store Robina’s ‘Connecting with our Communities’ initiative. The winning charity will be awarded a $3000 grant to fund a specific program or project.

AWLQ are hoping to win the grant so we can use it to fund our CARE program – a program that helps child victims of domestic violence.

The CARE program works with young children who have witnessed family abuse, including abuse of the family pets. Sadly, because of the trauma and displacement these young children suffer, they sometimes need help in learning how to form bonds and close connections with those around them.

They may have trouble communicating with others and making friends. Some young victims of domestic violence need help learning how to both respond appropriately to and show kindness, empathy and compassion.

AWLQ’s CARE program teaches these young children how to reconnect with their world by first connecting and forming a bond with animals. Through the CARE program, children learn how to care for, show kindness and respect to our shelter animals, which in turn helps them build positive relationships in other areas of their life.

AWLQ has worked with women’s refuges to deliver the CARE program to a number of children in crisis in the past, but sadly a lack of funding has meant we have not been in a position to offer the program for the last two years.

As a not-for-profit animal charity, which receives the majority of our funding from community donations, AWLQ has very little resources leftover after caring for and rehoming our animals. As much as we would love to deliver the CARE program to more children in need, we simply do not have the funding to make this happen.

Winning the Connecting with our Communities grant would mean AWLQ could deliver the CARE program again, at a time when our community needs it more than ever.

Please help us win the $3000 by popping into the Telstra Store at Robina Town Centre and casting your vote for AWLQ’s CARE Program.

To learn more about the program, please contact our Education Coordinator on 55 09 9034 or email [email protected]