Be well-informed

Making or remaking your Will is a really important step and it must be remembered that your Will is a legal document with many things to consider prior to making it official.


Enduring Power of Attorney – EPOA

As well as making your Will, there are other things to consider like; who will take care of your affairs in the case you have lost physical or mental capacity? Who would you trust to make those all-important decisions on your behalf? What about your thoughts on being in aged care? Do you have preferences? What about your finances if you lose capacity? Who would you trust to make all-important decisions that serve your best interests? 

Having an EPOA ensures there are measures in place to protect you if the time ever came. You may in fact have an EPOA and nominate someone to care for your health and a different person or authority to take care of your financial affairs.
If NOT using a solicitor we strongly urge you to read The Queensland Government’s Enduring Power of Attorney – Explanatory Guide

If you intend to use the same person to act as your attorney for both your Health and your Finances use the Enduring Power Of Attorney SHORT FORM 

If you intend to use two different attorneys/people, therefore, one just for your health and another person for your finances you will need to use Enduring Power of Attorney LONG FORM


Advance Health Directive

A health Directive is a form stating your wishes with important health information such as; do you wish to be resuscitated in a life and death emergency for example?
If you are NOT using a solicitor we strongly urge you to read The Queensland Government’s Advance Health Directive – Explanatory Guide

To DOWNLOAD the Advance Health Directive from The Queensland Governments website click here



This must-see video includes everything you need to know before making or remaking your Will. This interesting video is presented in a down to earth easy to understand way by experienced Wills & Estates Lawyer Debbie Sage from Attwood Marshall Lawyers. Click here to watch



This version of the video not only includes the main presentation but also a great Q&A at the end of this video with information you just can’t afford to miss! Click here to watch.

Estates Lawyer Debbie Sage from Attwood Marshall Lawyers