In November 2017 AWLQ was taking in the surrender of a litter of kittens when one of our animal attendants noticed that one of the little ginger kitties was having trouble with his right-hind leg. The circumstances around the injury were a bit confusing; all we were able to determine was that there was a fall from a height great enough to do some serious damage. A quick x-ray and it was obvious the kitten, little baby Butters, suffered a broken femur.
After surgery at the AWLQ shelter vet clinic, Butters leg was fitted with surgery pins and plates to correct the damage. He went into the foster program to recover from his surgery and spent the next six weeks in a crate big enough for him to be comfortable, but restricting enough so that he wouldn’t do any further damage to his leg.
AWLQ Fundraising Manager Emma Wills took in the little ball of orange fluff during his recovery period.
“I brought him in every week for vet check-ups, and they were happy with the progress he was making”, said Ms Wills.
He would keep me company at my desk, and he became a favourite of everyone in the business team. He was the sweetest little kitten I’ve met; so cheeky and playful. Billie-Rose really took a shine to him”.
One weekend, Emma wasn’t able to take Butters home and a new foster carer needed to be found. Billie-Rose, AWLQs Programs Coordinator, was up for the job.
“I remember when I saw him in his crate with his broken leg, it broke my heart. I had never fostered before, but he was the cutest little kitten, I had to take him in”, Billie-Rose told us.
“As soon as I took him home, that was it. Both my partner and I fell madly in love with this cheeky little man, and we couldn’t let him go. My partner isn’t a cat person, so this was a 1 in a million chance that he loved baby Butters.”
Five days later and Butters was cleared of his injuries and ready to find a home.
“It was a no-brainer. Butters was coming home with us. Yes, I’m a foster fail”, said Billie-Rose.
Foster fail is an affectionate term AWLQ uses when a foster carer falls so madly in love with their foster pet that they never give them back and choose to adopt.
Butters now spends his days lazing on Billie-Rose’s couch, stirring up trouble in the middle of the night and being showered with all the love and affection he could handle.
“If anyone is considering becoming a foster carer…DO IT! It’s so rewarding, and it’s a great option to trial caring for an animal in your home”, said Billie-Rose.
“When you become a foster carer, you can do more good for more animals… You can help animal after animal recover from their sickness or injuries and prepare them for their forever home, a second chance at a happy life”, said Ms Wills.
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