George not only gorgeous but generous beyond belief!

He might not look like a hero but Gorgeous George has saved the life of a fellow feline. The 5 year old champagne colour domestic long haired cat has had a long road to recovery after donating his blood to a puss that would have otherwise died.

George was waiting for a new home at the AWLQ Shelter when a cat was brought in with an abdominal tumour and needed an emergency blood transfer. 

It is common for vets to use another animal’s blood to help save a life. Like humans when pets are sick they sometimes need a blood transfusion and veterinary surgeons could not undertake life saving operations without blood donors.

“Animal blood donation is low and as pet owners who thinks to get their animal to donate blood?” AWLQ Marketing Manager Brooke Whitney said. “That is why that on this very day George gave a small amount of blood to the cat to help save her life.”

In the days that followed his blood donation George caught cat flu; a common cat cold that is rife throughout animal shelters. “Cat’s contract the flu through other cats, similar to the way humans catch a cold and often when their immune system is down or they are stressed,” Ms Whitney said.

“George is such a big boy and is an incredibly friendly puss, we put him out on foster to relax and get over his flu before bringing him back to find a forever home,” Ms Whitney said

After a lengthy recovery George is now fighting fit and available for adoption at the AWLQ Gold Coast shelter and is $100 to adopt.