one of the great ones

Nearly 2 years ago we lost our beloved ’girls’, Angi & Gina who became great mates my husband and I met and started going out about 10 years ago. After losing the girls within 2 weeks of each other we decided we would be ’dogless’ so we could travel and have weekends away without the responsibility of the fur babies. We also couldn’t agree on ’indoor pet’ or ’outdoor dog’. I lasted about 7 months then decided to volunteer at AWLQ so I could get my ’doggy fix’.

 When I arrived I met Tina a dark brown brindle, reportedly a Staffy x Kelpie. She was a very elegant girl and reminded me of both our previous pets. After one of those weekends away we were quite close to the Stapylton shelter where I help out so Hubby and I dropped by so he could see what I did. Whilst there he met Tina. Long story short? The following week she was our girl. Next step was ’indoor’ or ’outdoor’. It took 3 weeks before she was inside sleeping at his feet whilst he watched tv! NO MORE DOGS he said! A bit over 12 months later Murphy, a Doberman x (Morty as he was then) arrived at Stapylton.
On first sight he looked not a lot unlike Tina. NO MORE DOGS! The poor little fellow was very distressed at being in the shelter and had several trips up and down from the AWLQ vet because he was losing so much weight. I mentioned this to my husband who said that really the puppy should go out to foster….one week later, after Tina and Murphy met we had a foster puppy – well, it was hubby’s idea! Murphy did really well at home and started to put on weight and grow taller. When I broached the subject of keeping him I was reminded – NO MORE DOGS!

Then we had a go to Sydney. Because he was a foster we couldn’t take Murphy with us so he would have to go back into the shelter. ’No way,’ said hubby ’We’ll keep him!’. So now we are once again a 2 dog family. Both from AWLQ. Both are allowed inside. One is a beautiful calm girl (until she sees a bird or a cat…) One is a boy (we were never going to have a boy dog!) who is a puppy and is mouthy and digs and chews and generally keeps my husband active in the yard fixing everything. Would we ever part with either of them – never! Thanks so much to AWLQ for giving these dogs and all the others another chance. If you are thinking about expanding your family – or even if you aren’t! (Remember NO MORE DOGS!) – drop into either shelter and meet some of the very special guests being entertained there whilst they wait for they forever homes.