We adopted Rummy from the AWL Gold Coast shelter early 2005. He was a long term resident and had been ill with cat flu and been stuck in a cage for around a month, and the day my daughter came to pick out a puss was his first day out of the cage. It was love at first sight! He wasn’t a kitten and we were a bit unsure of his age, but believed him to be between 1 and 2 years old.
The story told to my daughter was that this was Rummy’s 3rd family. 1st family adopted him and their child became allergic. So back he came. Second family adopted him and for reasons unknown he found himself back at the AWL. Our family was third time lucky!
Rummy led a very adventurous life. Late 2005 he was bitten by a brown snake, and had a small vacation at our local vet’s receiving anti-venom and on a drip. We also moved house in 2007 and he escaped somehow and landed himself at our local pound! Of course we sprung him out!
Around May this year Rummy started to become ill. He was losing weight and was generally not himself. After running some tests it was discovered Rum had pancreatitis, and liver failure. No one knew why or what caused it. So a few more days stay at the vet’s and he was sent home with medication and a special diet.
His condition did not improve and my daughter Cassie who chose to adopt him all those years ago (who has since moved out of home) came back to visit because I didn’t think Rummy had long left in this life 🙁
The Thurday after Cassie came to visit and cuddled, stroked and talked to Rummy, he quietly passed away in his special place on our lounge room rug. My 2 younger kids (aged 4 and 8) had both gone off to school, so they didn’t have to experience the trauma of discovering our poor puss. I like to think if Rum had any control over his passing that day he waited until at least the kids had left for the day, so they didn’t have to see it. My younger kids have known Rummy their entire lives, and were devestated at his loss. My truck driving husband sobbed when I called him with the sad news as he was away from home working. We were just shattered because he had been such a part of our lives for almost 9 years.
We lost Rummy late in August, and have been discussing adopting another puss from the AWL. We are all getting to the point of being able to love again I think. Maybe closer to Christmas we will take the leap and make the 300klm trip to the Gold Coast shelter to find another furry one to love.
Being a stay at home parent my puss was with me every day, keeping me company. Gee I miss him.
Please find attached some pics of Rum (the kids called him Fluffy) and his family. My littlest daughter Hannah and Rummy were best of mates 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to listen.
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