When we met two-year-old ‘Latimer’ there was more than one double take. The little wire-haired dachshund looked almost identical to the incredibly popular children’s book character, ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy’. Latimer’s personality was also very similar to his fictional twin; he liked to play, and was very, very mischievous! And he arrived at the AWLQ searching for his own version of Schnitzel von Crumb.
Alex and Chris were looking for a special new addition for their family to be a friend for their current dachshund, Dudley. Dudley was a much loved member of the household so they knew that whoever they adopted needed to be extra special. They had heard that there was a possible match at our Beenleigh Rehoming Centre so they jumped in the car with Dudley in tow to see if Latimer was the dog for them.

When Dudley met Latimer there was utter amusement. They looked at each other like they knew they were the same breed but something was a little off. Latimer’s scruffy coat was of great interest to Dudley but soon they were bouncing around the yard like they were already the best of friends.

Alex and Chris had found their new dog


Dear AWLQ, thank you for making it possible for us to welcome the newest member of our family – Ziggy (was Latimer). He is a beautiful little soul and has charmed every person he’s met. Here he is with his big brother Dudley. – ALEX AND CHRIS