AWLQ is the charity dedicated to saving lives. Every day with the help of our supporters, we work wonders for sick and injured stray animals by providing them with vital lifesaving treatment. During the past year alone we have provided 25,660 veterinary treatments to the animals in our care.

We believe all animals should have a happy home. Sadly, stray animals don’t – they have nowhere to call home, they have no one to call their family. Stray Animals’ Day on 4 April is a day to take action. Stray animals like Chester urgently need you now to give them a chance at safe and healthy lives.

Tiny, vulnerable Chester was found as a stray on the streets

He was in such poor condition that when he arrived in our care our team thought he hadn’t survived the journey.

Chester’s life was full of darkness. He couldn’t open his eyes as they were severely infected to the point where they were matted shut from all the pus. He had a severe skin condition and his fur was matted painfully tight to his skin. He had chronic dental disease and his nails were so overgrown that they had curled over and were growing into his paw pads. This would have made walking not only difficult but incredibly painful.

Chester required immediate veterinary treatment and our dedicated team were determined to save this little guy’s life. They began immediate treatment, including blood and urine analysis and providing treatment to his infected eyes and skin – giving him instant relief. His lumps were removed, and his teeth were cleaned and extracted where necessary.

It can be difficult for animals like Chester with medical concerns to find the right home. He would need lots of TLC, time, and treatment to make him comfortable. This level of care and dedication is simply not possible without the kindness of donors like you. 

Thanks to that kindness, I’m happy to share that Chester has made a full recovery and has been adopted by his wonderful foster carer who will continue to care for his unique needs and help him thrive.

But there are so many more stray animals like Chester who are relying on you. Will you make a gift today to help them? 

Critical medical care for our animals is the largest portion of our costs. It’s where funding for our shelter is always greatly needed. With increased donations, we can save more and more animals –which is why they need you. 

Day in, day out, we’re here to work wonders for stray animals, but there’s still more work to be done. Your donation will make a difference. Please lend a hand and save a paw this Stray Animals Day. We know the power your love has on the animals in our community firsthand.

Everything we do is for the animals – to make them happy, help them get better and ultimately help them find a happy new home. Can help us work wonders for these animals this Stray Animals Day?

Your support makes every wag, wiggle, purr, and second chance possible. Thank you so much, we couldn’t continue our lifesaving work without you by our side.

Don’t miss out

Lend a hand, purchase a paw in store!

There are a number of businesses that are proudly supporting AWLQ’s Stray Animals Day by selling our purple paws for a donation of $5. Show your support by visiting one of our supporting businesses to lend a hand, purchase a paw in store.


Thank you so much to all our supporting businesses for agreeing to be part of our Stray Animals Day campaign! AWLQ relies on the wonderful generosity of supporters to continue our lifesaving work so we very much appreciate your kind support.