Donate Goods


We are always grateful for clean, good quality furniture, homewares, bric-a-brac, clothing, linen, towels, blankets, paper towels, toys (for birds, cats, dogs, guinea pigs and rats), litter trays and clamshell pools for the summer months!

You can also deliver your clothing or goods directly to an AWLQ Op Shop or rehoming centre.


If you have furniture or bulky items to donate we can often collect them from you. Please call 07 5509 9056 or fill in the form below and we will be in touch with you within 48 hours to arrange a pick up.
This service is subject to availability Monday – Friday and is only available to Gold Coast residents due to available resources. Please note we are unable to carry unwanted items to the public tip.

AWLQ Opportunity Shops are run by wonderful volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to raising funds through the sale of donated goods.

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