At the AWLQ we see happy stories every day, but every now and again we experience one that really touches all of our hearts.
The story of ‘Loki’ the Husky is one of those. ‘Loki’ is a four year old Husky who was surrendered to the AWLQ because he had developed a habit of escaping from his owner’s yard and heading down to the local school to play with the kids at lunchtime.
After being evaluated and vet checked, ‘Loki’ was placed with a foster family to monitor his diet and weight. Many foster families simply want to help animals in need and “Loki’s’ foster family was no different.
When we asked them if they were interested in caring for ‘Loki’, they were excited to be able to help out. They took him home, saw what a wonderful dog he was and promptly fell in love and adopted him! Hi new mum Britney says ‘Loki’s’ unconditional love has brought her family closer together.
They give him lots of attention and are even considering moving house so he has a bigger backyard to play around in! Fostering plays a critical part in providing essential care to the sick, injured and new born animals that find themselves in our care. It gives them time to recover in a loving home away from a busy and sometimes noisy shelter environment.
If you are interested in fostering cats or dogs click here for the Gold Coast area. If you live in Ipswich, please phone 07 3202 4688 We thank you!
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